Easy ways to improve school-wide communication

Parentapps Blog Easy ways to improve school-wide communication Parentapps Team Communication is essential – it’s how, as teachers, you educate and inspire the next generation. With this in mind, the importance of school-wide communication is critical – not...

How a school app can help you amid the Coronavirus outbreak

Parentapps Blog How a school app can help you amid the Coronavirus outbreak As of Monday 23 March, all UK schools have closed their doors to all children, except for those with parents who are key workers. Along with all non-essential shops and places including pubs,...

How to get the most out of our school communication app

How To Get The Most Out Of Our School Communication App Parentapps Team Here at Parentapps, our award-winning team is passionate about helping your school or nursery communicate effectively with parents. Our development team is continually looking at new ways to...

Primary School Apps

Parentapps Blog Primary School Apps Parentapps Team “You immediately reduce the cost of sending individual texts by sending notifications which are free” It’s not just secondary schools, colleges and universities that are doing their best nowadays to use...