Savings Calculator

See how much you can save by completing the fields below!

Our simple to use savings calculator tool enables you to input your current expenditure on paper, SMS, email, website hosting and time. It will calculate your overall annual costs and the actual savings we can provide.

Save money, go greener and improve parental engagement with Parentapps!

Existing Communication

See how much you can save by completing the fields below and clicking!

The above calculations are based on the following assumptions: Cost of paper 3p per sheet. Time spent £10 per hour. No. of weeks 39 per year (based on school term time).

My Current Annual Spending

Current Total Annual Cost

total annual cost

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total pages we printed last year


cost of printing


hours spent preparing letters and dealing with enquiries


cost of time


cost of current texts


cost of booking system


cost of current app


cost of current website

Primary/Nursery Savings Calculator

Lite (App Only) FREE

total savings per year

Economy (App Only) £799

total savings per year

Premium (App Only) £1199

total savings per year

Platinum (App & Website) £1499

total savings per year

High School/College Savings Calculator

Lite (App Only) FREE

total savings per year

Economy (App Only) £999

total savings per year

Premium (App Only) £1499

total savings per year

Platinum (App & Website) £1999

total savings per year