How to negotiate: tips for school business managers

How to negotiate: tips for school business managers As a school business manager, you have many different elements to your job, so it’s impossible to be amazing at every part! Negotiation is a skill any school business manager should have in their arsenal. But...

Strategies to engage parents in 2021

5 tips to improve your communication strategy during the pandemic At some point in 2021, we’re all hoping for some degree of normality to resume, but until then, it’s difficult to plan ahead. Something that isn’t going anywhere, though, is the importance of parental...

Why is effective communication in schools Important?

Why is effective communication in schools important? While most of the work done by schools is focused on educating their pupils, many head teachers realise the importance of maintaining and constantly improving communication with parents. A lot of research and study...

How a New School App and Website Can Help Improve Communication

Parentapps Blog How a New School App and Website Can Help Improve Communication Parentapps Team “This is one area where technology has changed dramatically over the last few years and is really making a huge difference”. As the new school year is well...

How an app can help improve safeguarding

Parentapps Blog Choosing a Tutor in Preparation for Exams Parentapps Team “We have designed Parentapps Connect with a 2-step authentication process for added security when users activate the app…” Safeguarding is one of the biggest areas of concern...