An interview with an SBM: COVID and the future of school education

An interview with a SBM: COVID and the future of school education SBMs have had a tough year. Their job hasn’t stopped, and they’ve had to quickly understand and implement essential health and safety policies surrounding COVID-19. School budgets were already tight but...

How has the pandemic shaped the future of education?

How has the pandemic shaped the future of education? This past year has taught us how flexible we are as a nation – when shops started closing, trade shifted quickly to online, and when schools were forced to close their doors to the majority of children in March,...

Outdoor learning in winter: ideas for your school to try

Outdoor learning in winter: ideas for your school totry The thought of venturing out into the wilderness in the winter months might send a shiver down your spine. But with COVID still lurking, taking your classroom outside more frequently could be an excellent way to...

The Parentapps features that can help schools social distance

The Parentapps features that can help schools social distance Parentapps Team Asking children, particularly young children, to social distance, can be a tall order. Schools across the UK have put a lot of thought and planning into creating and implementing new...