Communication is vital for most modern educational organisations and technology has certainly helped transform the way that schools maintain contact with parents.
A secondary school app is designed to give parents, teachers and pupils immediate access to information and resources. The big advantage is that there is quick and easy access, literally at the fingertips of potentially every parent.
Ofsted is certainly focused on schools being able to deliver more efficient communication. All establishments nowadays have a website on which they put essential news and other information such as timetables and future events. This requires a parent, however, to go onto a browser and search for the site.
What are the Benefits of a Secondary School App?
The huge benefit of a secondary school app is its immediate communication potential. Rather than logging into a website, a parent can simply download the app to their mobile phone and get the information they need, wherever they are and whenever they need it. They just need to tap on the icon.
Most people nowadays own either a smartphone or tablet. We download all sorts of apps for shopping, social media, watching movies and learning new skills such as languages. An intuitive app that is simple to use ensures the connection between schools and parents is much stronger.
Examples of what can be achieved include:
- Parents get immediate notifications to their mobile phone so they can see and respond to urgent messages. For instance, if you have to close your school because of poor weather or other problems, you can simply send a notification to all relevant parties.
- Using an app for your secondary school should release admin time and resources. You don’t need staff to phone parents or send out paper information but just need to send one message which is then distributed to all users of the app.
- You can add all the information that you have on your website and include some other really useful features.
- You can fill the gap through SMS and email to catch anyone who is not signed up to the app.
- You can communicate with more than one family member and take advantage of school MIS integration.
On top of that, you will have the option to add in useful features such as newsletters and blog posts, send out parental letters and include assets like consent forms and school policies as standard. Also, your secondary school app can be used to take payments and manage sickness and absence reporting.
All this comes with the ability to build reports on the performance of your app so that your school can find more innovative ways of improving communication with parents.
Why Choose Parentapps?
Parentapps offer a flexible approach to app development for individual schools. That means you can choose how to set up your app and what features you include. This can be changed and added over time as you begin to see the benefits of a dedicated app that delivers great all-around communication.
If you would like to see how Parentapps can transform your communication strategy with a secondary school app, contact our expert team today.