The problem with having all of these documents located solely on your school website is that not every parent always has access to a computer. As a result they’ll be using their smartphones and tablet devices to view your school website which in most cases won’t be optimised for viewing on a smaller screen. Go and have a look now at how your website looks on a mobile device.
If your website hasn’t been optimised for viewing on a smaller screen it will be almost impossible for parents to navigate and read the information they’re looking for.
This will no doubt leave parents frustrated and will impair them from viewing key information that would help them gain a better understanding of the role that they play in supporting their child’s learning.
So what is the solution? A purpose built bespoke app by Parents apps can enable your staff to upload PDF documents in seconds with updates instantly feeding through to parents on their smartphone. Our push notifications can be linked directly to the PDF documents you have uploaded allowing them to be viewed instantly.
If you enjoyed our article on ‘How to make it easier for parents to access important school documents’ then click here to book a FREE demonstration with us today to find out more about how our apps can help you to reduce paper, save costs and communicate more effectively with parents!