5 Reasons to Upgrade your School Website

In the past few years, websites have been one of the most efficient ways for schools to provide information to their school community. It is important that your school website is simply structured to make it easy for parents and guardians to use, keeping it up-to-date with the most recent events & news in your school.
To offer some more insights, we have compiled a few key reasons why your school website could need updating:
“As a parent, I used to check the school’s website every few weeks for term dates and inset days. I now check it every day for up-to-date information and live updates on school news and activities, book clubs and make payment.”
The preferred communication tool for parents and school staff
If a parent or guardian has a question, the first thing they’re likely to do is check your website; a lack of information could then lead them to phone or email the school instead. By including frequently asked questions and the most up-to-date relevant content, the number of calls and emails to the school would decrease and parents would be much happier.
Quick and easy way to sign up
Instead of trusting students to carry important documents home to give to their parents, why not embed forms or link to online tools instead? If you have any important announcements or forms to be completed, they would be available online resulting in instant data collection and reducing the number of lost forms. Efficiently and securely collecting data in this way would also save precious school time and stationery costs, a common challenge in all the schools we support.
Building your school brand
In the eyes of a parent or guardian, whether they know about your school or not, your website gives them a first impression. A professionally designed, colourful, feature-rich and functional website with clear photographs and logos has a more positive impact compared to older, plain and non-interactive pages. It is not just about the content – it should look good too! This especially helps your school establish its brand, it will look unique, and the visitors will feel welcome throughout their browsing experience. Make sure to proudly advertise your school’s unique values and culture, facilities, academic and extra-curricular achievements.
Get creative!
Apart from providing critical information easily, an upgraded school website benefits the school staff as well. Anything that is published on it, if well laid out and advertised, will help every faculty member in one way or another. Post everything you want: have a large section dedicated to your new app, to invite parents to download it. Introduce new school staff by creating a profile that says a few fun facts about them and their role at school. Post informative videos interviewing teachers or showing the school facilities to attract new visitors.
Get your new site live with a totally stress-free experience
Worried about having to rebuild your website all over again? We are here and ready to do it for you. We offer a fully managed service to set your site up. Our unique approach to creating tailored school websites and building bespoke solutions has resulted in schools upgrading their online presence. To really bring your website to life, you can even add a custom photography upgrade and promote your school with creative promotional videos. Our education expertise, our helpful support team and understanding of Ofsted/GDPR compliance all make up a complete and tailored school web design package.
Through Parentapps, you will receive a feature-rich website that is easy to use, modern-looking and a great experience to browse through. No more searching for information online or crumpled up letters in the bottom of children’s bags.