Is Your Website Compliant?

Parentapps are your number one school website provider for Ofsted compliant websites. Whether you are a Nursery, Primary or Secondary School, we can help you! Find out below to see if your schools website is currently compliant.

Every school website requires a minimum of the below to be considered as Ofsted compliant.

Contact Details

Test & Exam Results


School Policies

Remote Learning

Financial Info.

Admission Arrangements

Opening Hours

SEND Details

Public Sector Equality

Charging & Remissions

Uniform Guidelines

School Curriculum

Pupil & Sport Premium

Complaints Procedure

Values & Ethos


Ofsted Reports


Careers Programme Info.

Governors Info.

Paper Copies

School Uniforms

The department is responsible for creating official guidelines regarding the cost of school uniforms. These guidelines must be taken into consideration by schools when developing and implementing their own uniform policies. As part of these guidelines, schools are required to publish their uniform policy on their website.

School Opening Times

Schools are required to display their opening and closing hours, as well as the total weekly duration, on their website (e.g., 32.5 hours per week).

Schools must clearly present the mandatory operational hours. This encompasses the official start of the school day (morning registration) to the official end of the compulsory school day, including breaks. However, it does not include any optional before or after-school activities.

Pupil Premium & Recovery Premium

Every school receiving pupil premium funding is required to publish an annual pupil premium strategy statement no later than 31st December.

The strategy statement should provide a detailed account of how the allocated pupil premium and recovery premium funds are being utilized and the resulting outcomes for the students. It is crucial to write the statement with parents and governors in mind, ensuring they can easily comprehend the information.

(SEND) information

It is mandatory to publish an information report on your school’s website regarding the implementation of your policy for pupils with Special Educational Needs (SEN). This report should be updated at least once a year.

If for any reason your school does not meet Ofsteds minimum requirements for your website, please get in touch today.

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For a more detailed overview on what you require for your website to be Ofsted compliant, please visit the website, where you will be able to see everything that is required, whether you are a primary, secondary or MAT.