A better way to manage absence reporting through coronavirus

A better way to manage absence reporting through coronavirus The nationwide lockdown is back again, and although it’s not as restricted as the previous one (and it’s hopefully much shorter than the first), it’s still going to be tough for many of us.  This time...

How a school app can help you amid the Coronavirus outbreak

Parentapps Blog How a school app can help you amid the Coronavirus outbreak As of Monday 23 March, all UK schools have closed their doors to all children, except for those with parents who are key workers. Along with all non-essential shops and places including pubs,...

The Benefits of Having a Nursery App

Parentapps Blog The Benefits of Having a Nursery App Parentapps Team “If you run a nursery, chances are you already have a website. Apart from being a source of information for prospective parents, how often does your website get used?”. If you want to...